Jeb Stuart Birthday Month

Jeb Stuart Birthday Month

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In continued celebration of Major General Jeb Stuart’s birth month, below is an excerpt from a letter written by then Lieutenant Jeb Stuart [U.S. Army] to his older brother back in Virginia as the young cavalryman decided where his allegiance belonged.

“I would rather be a private in Va’s army than a General in any army to coerce her.” Letter by J.E.B. Stuart to William Alexander Stuart from Ft. Wise, Kansas, March 4, 1861
[Wm. Alexander Stuart Papers, Va. Historical Society, Richmond Va.]  

See the Civil War Trust site for a Stuart bio

FEBRUARY 2017 SPECIAL – BUY copy of Stuart’s Finest Hour at discount of $27.95 and receive FREE a Jeb Stuart bookmark and a FREE copy of Southerners at Rest: Confederate Dead at Hollywood Cemetery where General Stuart is buried!

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